Tim Gray
Executive Director, Environmental Defence Canada
The Simcoe County Greenbelt Coalition is a not-for-profit organization and proud living wage employer.
Established in 2015, SCGC enables collaboration between various Simcoe County and provincial organizations in efforts to promote understanding of the important role Ontario’s Greenbelt plays, and, to encourage its preservation and expansion.
All members of our coalition have agreed in principle to this pledge:
“A healthy environment is critical to our communities’ future. Farmland, water and natural heritage are key components of a healthy environment and thriving economy, and they need better protection.
Thus, I/we pledge to support the expansion of the Greenbelt in Simcoe County, so that current and future generations can benefit from clean water, local food and green spaces.”
Member Organizations
The Simcoe County Greenbelt Coalition is a network that includes more than fifty local and provincial groups that are working hard towards environmental protection and sustainability, building safe and caring communities, the preservation and protection of farmland, and transparency and accountability in how we make decisions about growth and land-use planning.
The purpose of this directory is to allow you to get to know our members so that you can find local connections and perhaps even help out.
Because this listing is a volunteer effort, and it may become out-dated over time, please do us a favour and contact us if you discover mistakes or inaccuracies. We will do our best to keep the contacts and links up to date, but mistakes are inevitable.
A big thank you to an amazing volunteer, Elaine, for compiling a number of the organization profiles listed below!
If you are part of an organization and are interested in exploring membership with SCGC, please fill out the form below.
AWARE Simcoe
AWARE Simcoe is a citizens’ group that works for transparency and accountability in government and to protect water, the environment and health.
Website: https://aware-simcoe.ca
Barrie and District Labour Council
The Barrie & District Labour Council plays an integral role in promoting and carrying out the programs and policies of the Canadian Labour Congress, the labour movement and all workers rights.
Our mandate is to promote the programs and policies of the Canadian Labour Congress and to support community-based organizations.
What We Do
We are a group of volunteers dedicated to promoting and carrying out the programs and policies of the Canadian Labour Congress, supporting the labour movement, and fighting for all workers’ rights. We work to ensure that our current crises are addressed by our elected representatives and that public services work for everyone.
Sample Projects/Events
We host a number of annual events such as the Labour Day Picnic in Sunnidale Park, The National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, and the Day of Mourning (for workers killed on the job) at City Hall. We collaborate with other organizations such as the United Way of Simcoe Muskoka and the YMCA to host events like financial literacy education days, and participate in outreach committees to help support the unhoused, address issues like the growing affordability crisis, and the need to transition to greener, sustainable jobs.
Volunteers We’d Love To Have
Contact us. We have a wide range of opportunities.
How To Contact Us
Website: https://barrielabour.ca/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064750896334
Bass Lake Ratepayers Association
Ratepayers association for residents in the Bass Lake area.
Blue Mountain Watershed Trust
The Blue Mountain Watershed Trust Foundation (the Watershed Trust), Ontario’s first watershed trust, was formed in 1994 to protect natural areas in Collingwood and the Blue Mountains from development pressures of many kinds. Since then, we have been instrumental in preserving and protecting our remaining wild places.
Website: https://watershedtrust.ca
Bradford Women's + Group
We’re a grassroots community group for local women+ ✨ join us for free monthly sessions!
Carden Field Naturalists
The Carden Alvar is a globally significant natural mosaic covering 17,000 hectares, spanning northern Simcoe County and western City of Kawartha Lakes.
A vulnerable aquifer with a diverse mix of grasslands, wetlands, rock barrens and forests making up rare habitats which host many species including species at risk of extinction.
Chippewas of Georgina Island
We are the Chippewas of Georgina Island, an Anishinaabe Nation located on the southern shores of Lake Simcoe. Our ancestors were inhabitants of the Lake Simcoe region long before the arrival of settlers. Six years after a government experiment to colonize the Chippewa people in 1830, Chief Joseph Snake moved his people back to Snake Island, and then to Georgina Island as the community grew.
Georgina Island was the first community in Canada to ratify The Framework Agreement on First Nation Lands Management to reclaim stolen lands, and preserve our inherent rights to hunt, fish, and gather. As a Nation, we exercise our sovereignty through the Chi-Naaknigewin, our Nation’s constitution, that gives us the ability to make our own laws and govern ourselves.
Our sense of community is what makes us a strong and resilient people, and our culture is what connects us to our ancestors and to the land. Many of our traditions were lost, but we are in the process of re-vitalizing our traditional ways of knowing.
Website: https://georginaisland.com/
Clearview Sustainability Network
The Clearview Sustainability Network is an inclusive and optimistic citizen-led group bringing together diverse members of our community to help our local government and community adapt and evolve in the face of a changing climate. Together we can build a more resilient and vibrant future for Clearview. Everyone is welcome
Collingwood Climate Action Team
Our team is a passionate mix of volunteers with a huge range of expertise. We are incredibly grateful to have such an enthusiastic and talented group working towards our collective mission.
Our vision is that as guardians for future generations, we will be a sustainable community.
Our mission is to work with local communities to reduce our carbon footprint. The Community Carbon Footprint Challenge focuses on achieving a collective reduction of 50% by 2030.
Website: https://www.collingwoodclimateaction.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CollingwoodClimateAction
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/collingwoodclimateaction/
Concerned Residents of Ramara
We aim to create a sustainable world for future generations and therefore do everything we can to hold all elected representatives and government agencies to account on issues that impact the environment.
What We Do
Issues we are working on include MZOs and lack of commitment to municipal planning, large scale soil dumping, quarry haul route traffic and accidents, contaminated soil remediation site, annual sewage spreading, intensive farming and soil nutrient run off, Lake Simcoe phosphorus overload and watershed destruction, gun ranges (soil dumping & noise), inadequate waste water management (Bayshore Village), holding municipality accountable for using and enforcing their established bylaws, quarry operator expansion (operating outside of bylaw hours & off site material dumping), unapproved clear-cutting of established bush lots and destruction of Provincially Significant Wetlands, proposed sewage treatment facility in vicinity of Black River watershed. Basically, we are somewhat involved in attempting to protect natural capital as private enterprises aggressively work to exploit our living environment for short term personal gain.
Volunteers We’d Love To Have
Expanding our network and connections, Expertise in communications and media relations, Help with social media tactics and how to use effectively, Hosting events, Fundraising, Government relations (local or provincial), Understanding policy, Keeping connected to provincial changes and provincial organizing events/efforts, Connections to public speakers for local events, Campaign strategy and tactics, Connections to media (local or provincial), Free access to equipment (speakers, wireless mic, projector, bullhorn, drone), Mapping and research, All this would be very helpful and of course would depend on the scale of the challenges that are yet to be determined.
How To Contact
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OurRamara/
CONTACT Community Services
CONTACT Community Services is a registered charity that takes a proactive approach to changing social needs in South Simcoe. We are invested in the communities we serve. We are committed to supporting anyone in need, and all services are offered free of charge, are non-judgemental and truly inclusive; recognizing that no two people are alike in their needs and goals. Our community volunteers are our foundation and assist in all service areas. Every year CONTACT assists over 3,500 people in their personal journey to improve their quality of life with the supports necessary to thrive.
Website: https://www.contactcommunityservices.ca/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CONTACTCommunityServices
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/contactcommunityservices/
Couchiching Conservancy
The Couchiching Conservancy is a non-profit, non-government land trust supported by individuals like you – people who want to ensure that special natural places are safeguarded for the future.
Our success over the years shows our commitment to conservation. Since 1993 we have helped to protect over 14,000 acres of special natural lands – in some cases globally rare ecosystems. Many of these properties were donated by caring people who wished to leave a living legacy.
Website: https://couchichingconserv.ca/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/couchichingconservancy
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/couchichingconservancy/
Earthroots is a grassroots conservation organization dedicated to the protection of Ontario’s wilderness, wildlife and watersheds, through research, education and action.
We have been on the front lines of wilderness conservation since 1986, when our predecessor organization, the Temagami Wilderness Society (TWS) was formed. The TWS was created to fight for the preservation of rare old growth white and red pine forests in the Temagami region of northern Ontario. After campaign success in the Temagami region, the organization changed its name to Earthroots in 1991, in order to broaden the organization’s campaign focus beyond the Temagami issue.
Earthroots consists of two separate organizations: Earthroots Fund, a charitable organization (registration #135165140 RR0001) that engages in public education and research, and Earthroots Coalition, a non-profit organization that engages in advocacy and action. Earthroots’ campaigns focus on achieving meaningful protection for Ontario’s threatened wilderness areas and wildlife species. Earthroots acts on behalf of 12,000 supporters across the country.
Earthroots is a strong advocate and agitator for wilderness preservation in Ontario, combining grassroots campaign strategies with effective research and educational programs. Since 1986, Earthroots has used its grassroots expertise to organize, educate and mobilize the public, conduct successful media events, carry out wilderness research projects and ensure proper forest management planning.
We empower thousands of Canadians each year to advocate for better environmental protection and achieve conservation victories!
Website: https://www.earthroots.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Earthroots.Coalition
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/earthrootscanada/
EcoSpark is an environmental charity connecting people to their local natural environment through education, monitoring and stewardship. Operating since 1996, EcoSpark has developed a reputation as a community leader in local engagement, education, citizen science and collaboration.
Website: https://www.ecospark.ca
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EcoSparkEnv
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ecospark_env/
Elmvale Foundation
The Elmvale Foundation is a non-profit research organization providing environmental science education.
The Elmvale Foundation and its first annual event, the Elmvale Water Festival were created by William Shotyk. Dr. Shotyk is the Bocock Chair for Agriculture and the Environment in the Department of Renewable Resources at the University of Alberta, specializing in the study of trace metals in the environment.
Engage Barrie
Engage Barrie was formed in 2019 to create an equitable community, mobilize and empower people, and build an engaged local democracy. We became incorporated as an Ontario not-for-profit organization in June, 2021.
As an organization we feel that local government has some of the greatest impact on our daily lives and is a level of government where we can have the most impact. We want to work within our community to overcome the feeling of being removed and disconnected from local politics and instead feel educated and engaged.
Website: https://www.engagebarrie.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EngageBarrie
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/engagebarrie/
EROM (Engaging Residents of Oro-Medonte)
The objective of this group is to promote a healthy and sustainable community by informing and engaging residents on matters important to all of us in Oro-Medonte
Facebook (private group): https://www.facebook.com/groups/356608032603748
Escarpment Corridor Alliance
The Escarpment Corridor Alliance was created to PROTECT Southern Georgian Bay’s Niagara Escarpment, a celebrated UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, from mega development.
Website: https://myescarpment.ca/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EscarpmentCA
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/escarpment_ca/
Federation of Tiny Township Shoreline Associations (FoTTSA)
The Federation of Tiny Township Shoreline Associations (FoTTSA) is a nonprofit, volunteer organization which promotes thriving and sustainable shoreline communities in Tiny Township by bringing together and representing almost all of the associations of shoreline residents. FoTTSA uses effective communication, education and advocacy to promote positive environmental stewardship and to provide leadership for sound public policy on key issues.
Website: https://www.tinycottager.org
Food and Water First
Food & Water First is the legacy of the Stop the Mega Quarry campaign that began in Dufferin County northwest of Toronto in 2006.
Food & Water First is a movement dedicated to protecting Ontario’s prime farmland and source water regions. We are rural and urban citizens who understand that our province’s rare agricultural soils and water resources provide us with a great bounty that must be preserved. We encourage the Ontario government to adopt a Food & Water First policy so our vital agricultural sector and source water regions are given priority in land-use planning.
Website: https://foodandwaterfirst.com
Friends of Simcoe Forests
The Friends of Simcoe Forests Inc. is a Non-Profit organization consisting of concerned citizens within the region of Simcoe County, Ontario.
Our long term goal is to inform and unite all persons interested in the conservation of our County’s forests. We encourage all local residents, visitors and friends of our environment to realize that they have the ability to enjoy the natural flora and fauna of the region, as well as the natural beauties of the forests within Simcoe County. As a group, we encourage beautification, preservation, and extension of parks and Greenbelts.
Ganaraska Trail Association
The nine member clubs of the Ganaraska Hiking Trail Association Inc. maintain the 500 kilometre long Ganaraska Hiking Trail that is a recreational trail extending from Port Hope on Lake Ontario to the Bruce Trail near Collingwood, with side trails to Wasaga Beach and Midland. Each club offers hikes in their local area and maintains the trail system for all to enjoy. Come out and meet like-minded people who share a passion for the great outdoors!
Website: https://ganaraska-hiking-trail.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GanaraskaHikingTrailAssociation
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ganaraskatrail/
Greys for Green
We are a community group of older adults who feel that our generation has been part of the problem in contributing towards our current climate crisis. With the benefit of being retired, we strongly feel that it is our responsibility to be part of the solution.
We believe that there is a better way of doing things that is more sustainable, and that each one of us can make a difference.
We want to help our neighbours and community understand how our daily choices impact climate change and, we want to offer concrete, proven, simple solutions to encourage behavioural change in our lifestyle, going forward.
Website: https://greysforgreen.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/greysforgreen
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/greysforgreen/
Green Orillia
Green Orillia is inspired to address the root causes of our environmental crisis and recognizes that social and environmental justices are intertwined.
To this end, we acknowledge the multiple and intersecting oppressions that stand in the way of sustainability, including race, class, sexuality, and gender.
Through our platform we intend to centre the voices and experiences of those most impacted by environmental degradation as they can offer real and meaningful solutions.
Website: https://greenorillia.ca/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/greenorillia
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/greenorillia/
Horseshoe Valley Property Owners Association (HVPOA)
The mission of Horseshoe Valley Property Owners Association is to enhance and sustain our community’s unique qualities though inclusivity, communication, community events and celebration, mindful advocacy and positive partnerships with government, local businesses, and other community groups.
Website: https://www.hvpoa-voice.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/hvpoa
Huronia Land Conservancy
We work to conserve Huronia’s non-renewable natural and cultural heritage between Georgian Bay and the City of Barrie and between the Highway 400 Corridor and the Town of Wasaga Beach.
Website: http://www.huronialandconservancy.ca/index.html
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/huronialandconservancy.ca
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/huronialandconservancy/
Innisfil District Association (IDA)
In 2002, Innisfil District Association evolved from the demise of a 20-plus year old residents’ association known as the Big Bay Point Association. A group of members, believing there was desperate need to have a voice in the future of Innisfil, rejuvenated the association and renamed it Innisfil District Association.
There was a tremendous concern in the community at the time about the proposed Big Bay Point marina project…now called Friday Harbour Resort…and its impact on Lake Simcoe and the area’s residents. After countless hours were spent with lawyers and planners, at town and county meetings and at OMB hearings, we were able to influence the implementation of strict environmental guidelines for the project, a reduction in the number of units to be built and the preservation of a 200-acre natural area in the middle of the property.
Realizing there was a continuing need to voice residents’ concerns to Town council, our focus then turned to the major issues in Innisfil…the health of Lake Simcoe, sustainable development, the extension of water and sewer services, policing issues, improved fire services and the lack of doctors and medical care.
And, today, many years later, we are still committed to ensuring a healthy, sustainable lifestyle for Innisfil residents now and in the future.
Website: http://www.innisfilaction.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/innisfil.action
Living Green Barrie
Led by a passionate volunteer Board of Directors, blending expertise from environmental scholars and practitioners, we are committed to fostering a well-connected and environmentally literate green community.
Our mission involves uniting individuals from diverse backgrounds to collaboratively address local challenges with fact-based solutions.
Pioneers in environmental innovation, we proudly initiated Barrie’s inaugural community garden, spearheaded plastic recycling efforts, facilitated home energy and water-saving programs, and kick-started the renowned Spring-Into-Clean events.
Join us on this journey towards a sustainable and thriving future!
Website: https://livinggreenbarrie.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LGBarrie
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/livinggreenbarrie/
Midland-Penetanguishene Field Naturalists
The MPFNC began in 1961 with a few local individuals, lead by Midland Secondary School (MSS) teachers Warren Jacklin and Ed Cable. They began a tradition of meeting once a month to discuss natural history and to learn more about the natural world.
The first meetings were held in the old YMCA building in downtown Midland, and they are still meeting on a regular basis.
Website: https://mpfn.xyz/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/midlandpenetanguishenefieldnaturalists
National Farmers Union - Ontario
The National Farmers Union – Ontario believes that farmers possess more power to shape agricultural policies, advocate for economic and social policies, and create a stronger and more sustainable farming community, when they work together. Today, as farmers face the realities of climate change and rising input costs paired with shrinking production values, the need for a collective and unified voice has never been more crucial.
Driven by an unwavering commitment to farmers, eaters, and the earth, the NFU-O is deeply rooted in the principles of social and economic justice, within Ontario, Canada and on a global scale.
The National Farmers Union – Ontario is proud of our legacy of legislative and social wins for farmers in Ontario. Ontario boasts some of Canada’s richest and most fertile farmland, and the NFU-O’s dedicated staff team & Regional Council work hard to educate and advocate for the interests and needs of farmers, ensuring a vibrant and sustainable agricultural future for the province.
Website: https://nfuontario.ca/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NFUOntario
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nfuontario/
Nature Barrie
The Brereton Field Naturalists’ Club of Barrie is a group of friendly people who enjoy and work to protect our natural heritage. Our aims are to acquire and share knowledge of natural history, to protect wildlife, and to stimulate public interest in nature and its preservation. The Breretons advocate the protection of significant green spaces and corridors in the planning process for our high-growth region. Little Lake, a provincially significant wetland, is also a high priority. We monitor and advise the city on the management of its woodlands bordering Little Lake.
In addition, we work with the Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority to manage Minesing Wetlands, an international Ramsar site and provincially significant wetland complex; support MTM Conservation Association in managing provincial wildlife areas at Marl Lake, Tiny Marsh and Matchedash Bay (another Ramsar site); and support local Rails-to-Trails organizations. Visitors are welcome to our meetings and field trips which include birding, wildflowers, scenic trails, reptiles, mushrooms, insects, fossils, stargazing, potluck meals, etc. Our Blue Heron newsletter reports on club activities and provides information on local natural history.
Website: http://www.bfnclub.org/
North Gwillimbury Forest Alliance
The North Gwillimbury Forest runs along the south shore of Lake Simcoe in the Town of Georgina, stretching from Orchard Beach to Jackson’s Point. It is one of the ten largest remaining forested areas in the Lake Simcoe watershed and contains provincially signficant wetlands.
According to the Ministry of Natural Resources: “The Paradise Beach – Island Grove Wetlands are important for wildlife. Its 70 hectares of mixed and coniferous swamps and deciduous swamps with White Cedar in the understorey are locally significant for wintering White-tailed Deer. The swamps and associated upland forests support sensitive breeding forest bird species such as Pileated Woodpecker, White-throated Sparrow, Ovenbird and Ruffed Grouse. Waterfowl such as Mallard breed and stopover in the more open wetlands. The wetlands also support locally significant fish habitat “
The forest is used by walkers and birders, and by deer hunters in fall. It filters runoff into three streams that feed into Lake Simcoe and its sandy soils absorb rainwater and snow melt, helping to recharge local groundwater supplies. What’s particularly important about the area is that connections between individual wetlands and forest areas remain largely intact, allowing for wildlife movement and species dispersal.
A large subdivision in this complex would break this connection and, in particular, would leave the Arnold C. Mathews Nature Reserve, established through the generosity of local residents, isolated and cutoff from the rest of the forest.
Website: http://www.savengforest.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/savengf
Nottawasaga Steelheaders
The motto for Nottawasaga Steelheaders is “Put a little back”. To some, this means releasing all their caught fish. And that certainly is commendable. However, a more fulfilling meaning exists in the donating of time and effort in attending our work days or simply coming to our meetings. To those of you who say you do not want to get involved, believe me you are involved when you start fishing for steelhead. The only thing we are asking is to tip the scales in favour of the steelhead that face a gauntlet of many obstacles and hardships in their journey each year.
The increase in fishing popularity combined with the stress of population encroachment on our rivers is working against us. The privilege of fishing for these magnificent fish and the continuation of clean fresh unobstructed waters are not guaranteed. Please help us continue in our efforts as we work for this vital cause. Remember, it’s up to you!
North Dufferin Agricultural and Community Task Force
We are an incorporated, not for profit, entity formed in January 2009 by concerned citizens from Melancthon and Mulmur Townships.
The NDACT executive board was formed by a group of volunteers nominated by community members.
At the inaugural meeting, members of the community gathered to voice their concerns and to find out more about The Highland Companies’ plans regarding the more than 6,000 acres of prime agricultural land that they had amassed as of that date. Up to that point in time, and for a lengthy period of time afterwards, Highland reiterated to the community that they had been acquiring large tracts of agricultural land solely with a view to creating a world-class farming operation, but residents were highly skeptical.
By the date of the meeting, there was a growing suspicion in the area that other plans were afoot, although the applicant would not clearly admit so. There was significant evidence that the applicant was undertaking activities that were inconsistent with its stated intentions (of just being interested in potato farming) including well testing and drilling, archaeological studies, woodlot and fence row clearing and the demolition of homesteads. Highland stated that these activities were merely to improve their farming operations.
Website: https://www.ndact.ca/
Ontario Climate Emergency Campaign
The Ontario Climate Emergency Campaign is a non-partisan collaboration inclusive of all Ontarians concerned with the climate crisis and wanting to empower urgent positive transformation. Focusing on environmental issues and evidence-based solutions, we seek to energize collective community and organizational action by building awareness to drive governmental climate policy and systems change. We invite you to join, take action through your democratic voice, and connect the movement to everyone you know to amplify our voices.
Website: https://www.ontarioclimateemergency.ca/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ONClimateEmergencyCampaign
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/onclimateemergencycampaign/
Ontario Farmland Trust
Our Mission is to protect and preserve Ontario farmlands and associated agricultural, natural and cultural landscapes of food production for the benefit of Ontarians today and future generations.
A vision for the Ontario Farmland Trust (OFT) first emerged at a forum hosted by the University of Guelph’s Farmland Preservation Research Project in 2002.
Here, farmers, land conservationists, planners, and academics worked together to lay the foundation for OFT – an organization with the unique ability to support grassroots, farmer-led and community-driven action on farmland protection.
Website: https://ontariofarmlandtrust.ca/
Ontario Farmland Preservation
Ontario Farmland Preservation offers first-hand experience, resources and organization to interested parties in the preservation of Ontario’s farmland.
We will work with the public, developers, government and concerned agencies to protect the food producing land that we are borrowing from our children.
Ontario Headwaters Institute
To restore the role of Conservation Authorities in watershed management and water security for all Ontarians.
What We Do
The Ontario Headwaters Institute works to protect Ontario’s watersheds, their natural heritage, and receiving waters such as the Great Lakes, through on-going efforts in our three portfolios on Research, Education, and Civic Engagement.
Sample Projects
In February, the civic engagement team launched the Coalition of Ontario Water Guardians, with numerous partners, as can be seen at www.cowg.ca.
Growing the Greenbelt Regional Resilience Project: Regional Resilience is a project funded by the Friends of the Greenbelt Foundation to facilitate community participation in a provincial consultation to Grow the size of Ontario’s Greenbelt, for which the Ontario Headwaters Institute will be delivering twelve webinars with community partners.
In addition to supporting the inclusion of the Paris Galt Moraine and more Urban River Valleys in the Greenbelt, Regional Resilience suggests that this consultation is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to extend the Greenbelt into the broader Greater Golden Horseshoe, safeguarding the region’s long-term ecological integrity, social wellbeing, and economic prosperity.
Volunteers We’d Love To Have
Help with social media, video-editing, proofreading and copy editing, book-keeping. (Ideally we’d rather raise enough donations that we could pay people to provide these services).
How To Contact Us
Website: https://ontarioheadwaters.ca/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OntarioHeadwatersInstitute
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ontarioheadwatersinstitute/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC–cVXQm2rF0iuivpv-2-Ug
Canada Helps: https://www.canadahelps.org/en/charities/ontario-headwaters-institute/
Email: andrew@ontarioheadwaters.ca
Ontario Nature
To protect wild species and wild spaces through conservation, education and public engagement.
A registered charity (# 10737 8952 RR0001), Ontario Nature represents more than 30,000 members and supporters, and 150 member groups from across Ontario.
Together, we are the voice for nature in Ontario.
Website: https://ontarionature.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OntarioNature
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ontarionature/
Orillia Wetland Watchers
This is a group made up of people who are interested in the conservation, protection and restoration (CPR) of wetlands in the City of Orillia.
In the past, the value of wetlands was not well understood, and this led to their destruction at a high rate. But we now know just how valuable wetlands are – they provide us with clean water, flood protection and wildlife habitat. As a result of these functions, they provide recreational, educational and economic opportunities. They are also nature’s greatest weapon against climate change because they are one of the most effective carbon capture tools available – all we have to do is take care of them! Ironically, when wetlands are destroyed, they release the carbon they have stored over thousands of years.
Despite the known value of wetlands and the current climate crisis, the City of Orillia has continued to allow development in sensitive areas – on wetlands and nearby connected lands – this has led to an alarming rate of destruction and degradation of wetlands.
Reform Gravel Mining Coalition
The Reform Gravel Mining Coalition formed to demand the Ontario government take the actions necessary to protect lives, communities and the environment from the devastating impacts of the gravel mining industry. Partners in the coalition are Environmental Defence, Council of Canadians, Water Watchers, and the Wilderness Committee.
Website: https://www.reformgravelmining.ca
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RGMC.Ontario
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rgmc_ontario/
Rescue Lake Simcoe Coalition
The RLSC was formed through the coming together of founding groups in 2003. The founding Directors saw that if Lake Simcoe’s health were to improve, empowered and informed people would need to be part of the answer.
Education and empowerment of local groups is the way we make a difference. We focus on promoting dialogue between citizens and their governments around the lake. By sharing information and opportunities for collaboration and action, we learn what is relevant, and work together towards important goals.
Website: https://rescuelakesimcoe.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RescueLakeSimcoeCoalition/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rescuelakesimcoe/
Save Strawberry Island
A Multi-unit development application on Strawberry Island, Lake Simcoe will destroy a significant woodland and add phosphorus over present levels.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SaveStrawberryIslandInLakeSimcoe
SCAN Barrie
We are a group of environmentally conscious seniors who want a better world for ourselves, our children, and our grandchildren. We want our municipal, provincial, and federal governments to live up to the climate commitments they have made and should make.
We are lobbying our municipal councillors to live up to their commitments to adapt our city to climate change and do the right things to move us towards a net zero environment.
We stand for the transition away from fossil fuels in line with COP 28 obligations, better governance, social equality, and fairness. We want to see a ban on single use plastics, preservation of nature, and a scaling down and away from fossil fuels for home heating.
Website: https://seniorsforclimateactionnow.org/scan-barrie/
Simcoe County KAIROS
Simcoe County KAIROS, affiliated with KAIROS Canada, is a community of ordinary Canadians working together in faithful action for ecological justice and human rights.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/simcoekairos/
STORM Coalition
Save The Oak Ridges Moraine (STORM) Coalition is focused on protecting the ecological integrity of the Oak Ridges Moraine (ORM). Since 1989, STORM has worked at the local and regional levels to ensure municipalities make good planning decisions based on the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan that respects the ecological and hydrological values of the moraine. STORM also works to support communities and First Nations in their efforts to improve community well-being.
Website: https://www.stormcoalition.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/STORMCoalition
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/savetheoakridgesmoraine/
Strong Town New Tecumseth
Strong Town New Tecumseth is a citizen activist group advocating for a safe, livable, and financially resilient New Tecumseth.
Our group currently consists of five individuals from the community. None of us are affiliated with any organization standing to benefit from growth in this town.
The group formed as an effort to better understand the impact of a projected growth of the town by 35,000 people over the next 30 years. Climate change and and unprecedented population growth create challenges that are being dealt with at different levels of government. We felt there currently is a lack of pro-active involvement from the community to positively shape the future of our community.
Website: https://strongtown.net/
Wasaga Beach Climate Action Team
Our Vision
We will be a sustainable, thriving and equitable community with healthy people, a healthy environment and a vibrant, diverse economy resilient to the impacts of climate change.
Our Mission
To work collaboratively with the local government, residents and businesses to inspire climate change mitigation and adaptation.
What We Do
We aim to make everyone aware of their contribution to greenhouse gas emissions and inspire actions to reduce those emissions.
We are primarily focused on the town of Wasaga Beach (although we collaborate with other regional groups like Collingwood Climate Action Team and Grey Bruce Climate Action Network.
Our activities include building awareness and relationships in the community through presentations to groups, attending and presenting at trade shows, holding events, advocating with the town council and responding to zoning changes and bylaws in writing, fundraising etc. We also aim to connect with local businesses.
Sample Events
- Partnering with Georgian Bay Forever to do shoreline clean-ups
- Organizing a community bike night
- Selling rain barrels and Tru Earth products (fundraising)
- The Wasaga Beach Carbon Footprint Challenge
- Nominate Your Business for a Green Certificate
Volunteer Help We’d Love To Have
- Committed leaders for summer projects (e.g. community bike night)
- Someone to keep the website updated (virtual assistant)
- People with experience in event-planning to coordinate and lead events
- Social media and marketing assistance
- People with expertise in environmental science
Future Projects We’d Love To Do
Create a roundtable with developers to come up with local green development standards.
How to Contact Us
Website: https://wasagabeachclimateaction.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WasagaClimateActionTeam
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/WasagaClimateActionTeam
West Oro Ratepayers Association
The West Oro Ratepayers’ Association (WORA) was founded in 2003 by a group of individuals who came together to oppose a major development that threatened to harm the environment and compromise our quality of life.
Since 2003, we have made a great many strides to protect our precious landscape. Today, we have 300 members and continue to grow in strength. With our collective voice, we can make a difference.
Website: https://wora.ca/
Membership Application
The Simcoe County Greenbelt Coalition provides a number of supports and services that enhance advocacy capacity for member groups in the central Ontario area.
If you are interested in becoming an organizational member of the Simcoe County Greenbelt Coalition, please fill in the form, below.