Community polls

Every month, we include a poll in our newsletter, as well as results from the previous month’s poll. Open polls, as well as completed ones, are below.

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Poll – Electoral Change

Photo of the flag of Ontario, flying in a strong breeze, with a blue sky and some

Following on the theme of our last poll on election priorities, this month we’re asking your opinion on the electoral system.

There have been multiple attempts to change our first-past-the-post (FPTP) system over the years. In 2005 in Ontario, the Citizen’s Assembly on Electoral Reform proposed switching to a mixed member proportional representation (MMP) system. A referendum was held in 2007, and the proposal received roughly 37% support, to 63% who supported retaining FPTP.

More recently, federal Liberal leader and then candidate, Justin Trudeau, promised during the 2015 campaign that it would be the last FPTP election in Canada. In that election, 67% of Canadians voted for parties that promised to implement a different electoral system. However, in 2017, Minister of Democratic Institutions, Karina Gould, said that a change of the voting system was no longer a part of her mandate.

While there is something to be said for the relative stability and simplicity of our current system, it remains true that many feel their vote doesn’t count, and voter participation levels remain in the low 60% range federally.  Provincially, the average voter turnout over the past two decades is 58%.

What is your opinion of our current electoral system, and would you support changing it?

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Overall, how satisfied are you with Canada’s current First-Past-The-Post electoral system, where the candidate with the most votes in each riding wins a seat?


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Previous Polls and Surveys

If an election were called in Ontario, what would your priorities be?
How do you view the role of nuclear energy in Ontario’s strategy to reduce carbon emissions and meet energy demands?
How important do you believe it is for Canada to increase its immigration levels to address both demographic challenges and climate migration?
Do you think individual actions can make a meaningful impact in the fight against climate change, or do you think they are a distraction from the larger changes needed?
Do you think there is the political will in Canada to achieve net-zero goals?
In what time-frame do you think climate impacts will directly affect you?

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Friends. Online censorship by unaccountable tech companies, combined with an all-out assault on the Greenbelt by Ontario’s developers/government, make this a perilous time for the future of democracy and the power of the people in Ontario.

We need to build new ways of empowering those who believe in accountability, in a healthy environment, and in communities ready to thrive in the economy of tomorrow.

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