The SCGC Shop

Beautiful and informative maps for your home, office, and cottage wall.

Welcome to our store!

Proceeds from purchases made here all go to supporting the work that we do, advocating for better communities that put our health and future prosperity at the fore.

Much of what you will see here stems for that work, such as mapping that highlights natural features of an area. This is something that we often don’t see when you look at a map, where roads and urban areas are made the central focus.

The posters here are all printed as they are ordered. We place orders weekly, as needed, and ship them out by Expresspost the same day.

Waterways of the Oak Ridges Moraine

The Oak Ridges Moraine Waterways map. Credit: Simcoe County Greenbelt Coalition

The hydrology of Ontario’s Oak Ridges Moraine.

Lake Simcoe and its Watershed

Image of our Lake Simcoe and its Watershed poster. Credit Simcoe County Greenbelt Coalition.

Three versions of this map, reflecting the English, Ojibwe and Wendat name for the lake.

Waterways of The Oak Ridges Moraine

When you look at a map, what features do you use to identify location? For most of us, most of the time, this is likely to be roads and cities, and other ‘man-made’ features.

This map offers a view of what the land, in this case around the Oak Ridges Moraine area of Ontario, might have looked like before man-made features were built. In particular, the key identifiers here are waterways that have their start in the Moraine. Elevation and flow direction rendering shows how waterways are formed and, in turn, form the landscape. Waterway significance is approximated according to number of tributaries. This indicates the geographic reach of the waterway, though not necessarily the volume.

This map is meant to tell a story, both of what might have been, and of how we view what currently is. This, in turn, also tells a story about ourselves and how we understand the land around us.

We do all of our prints with a locally operated business. They are done on premium 48 lb matte bond paper.

Lake Simcoe and its Watershed

Our Lake Simcoe Watershed map shows the highly detailed hydrology of stream and river networks as they thread their way through the catchment basin to the lake.

Elevation and flow direction shading brings this dynamic into relief, with the highlands of the Oak Ridges Moraine to the south and the Oro Moraine to the north and the lowlands, most starkly shown in the Holland Marsh area stemming from the southern-most tip, Cook’s Bay, of the lake.

There are three versions of this map, with naming reflecting the history of the people who called the area around this lake home.

Product Images

Check back soon for more products!

We will be adding maps of The Greenbelt, the Oak Ridges Moraine, municipalities in Simcoe County, as well as other watersheds and natural features.

If you have a request for a custom map, or an idea for a map idea you think would fit well in our store, get in touch! :)