Insurance and Climate Change: Issue Brief

As costs of climate impacts mount, it is becoming increasingly difficult for insurers to make a profit, which means they are both developing new strategies in an effort to make their product profitable, and, in some significant cases, withdrawing their product from certain markets entirely.
Poll – Election Priorities

If an election were called in Ontario, what would your priorities be?
The Ford government has made a mess of planning. Now, municipal governments have a chance to correct some of that.

Official Plans are among the most important components of planning and building our communities, the places where we live, play, and work. They deserve to be given the highest level of consideration, which includes the best possible process of deliberation.
Media Statement – Auditor General on Greenbelt Take-Outs

Local MPPs complicit in $8.3 billion dollar Greenbelt land grab.
Press Release: SCGC Welcomes Federal Intervention on Greenbelt

In Simcoe County three of our local MPPs – MPP Dunlop, MPP Downey and MPP Mulroney – are directly responsible, as members of cabinet, for approving the Greenbelt takeouts.
Letter to the Editor: Province hasn’t been upfront on Bradford Bypass

Freedom of Information requests obtained by the Simcoe County Greenbelt Coalition show that the province is not being upfront regarding the Bradford Bypass.
The Whale: What Would Roosevelt Think (Who knows, he’s dead.)

A short essay on conservatism, conservationism, environmentalism and why all of the above are important.