Youth Survey

Youth are often left out of the decision-making process, even though the decisions that are made will have the greatest impact on them, shaping their world for decades to come.

We think this should change. Help by sharing your voice, and get engaged!

Simcoe County and municipalities across Ontario are conducting planning reviews that will determine how cities and towns look like in 30 to 50 year’s time, but they aren’t doing a great job of listening to youth.

This needs to change. It is the youth who will inherit these communities, after all, and the problems that result from planning decisions made today.

In partnership with the Simcoe County Environmental Youth Alliance (SCEYA), as well as others, SCGC is helping to provide opportunities for youth to get engaged in these processes.

The survey below is a first step. The answers you provide will help form the basis of a report on the priorities of young people, from addressing climate change to creating communities that are more fair and more accessible.

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See more content related to youth advocacy and engagement. 

Feet wall james baldwin.jpg

The Summer Blog: Toby, Week 1

At this moment in time it is natural to feel discouraged and doubtful that the work we do is worthwhile at all. I get lost in the disasters happening every day and begin to think that nothing I do will ever create the changes I want to see.

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A photo of the sun rising over farmland. The sky is clear blue. Credit Federico Respini.

Media Statement – Bill 23

…the changes in Bill 23 do not address the housing affordability crisis, rather they will simply put more money into the pockets of billionaire developers at the expense of Ontarians and the natural resources we depend on.

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Photo of an island in a lake with mist rising from the water. Photo by Juan Davila on Unsplash

Act Now to Protect Lake Simcoe

Very soon, the federal government will be deciding whether the Holland Marsh Highway (aka Bradford Bypass) poses enough risk to the health of our environment and communities to designate it for a federal impact assessment. The 25-year-old studies the province is using are woefully out of date and must be updated before work proceeds. The Holland Marsh Highway poses significant risk to the environment, Lake Simcoe, and our communities.

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Photo of a child reading with a flashlight under his blankets. Credit Klim Sergeev.

finding your place in the story​

I didn’t know what I was in for, but I knew that helping youth get engaged through a grassroots organization was something I couldn’t pass up. This is exactly what I was looking for – a chance to do something in my community.

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Friends. Online censorship by unaccountable tech companies, combined with an all-out assault on the Greenbelt by Ontario’s developers/government, make this a perilous time for the future of democracy and the power of the people in Ontario.

We need to build new ways of empowering those who believe in accountability, in a healthy environment, and in communities ready to thrive in the economy of tomorrow.

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