
Freedom of Information documents we’ve received, as well as other, similar resources.

Freedom of Information Documents

We’ve organized the documents alphabetically by category and then date received, with most recent first.

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Bradford Bypass

Rfp preliminary design bbp

Request for Proposals – Preliminary Design, Bradford Bypass

Date: June, 2019

Received: November, 2022.

Size: 73 MB

Bbp class ea jan 2021

BBP Class Environmental Assessment

Date: January, 2021

Received November, 2022.

Size: 240 MB

(Due to the large size of this file it is hosted on Google Drive.)

Emails and reports regarding project timeline, budget, and tolling

Emails and reports regarding project timeline, budget, and tolling.

Date: April – November, 2021

Received November, 2022.

Size: 9.6 MB

Memo to eccc minister bbp ia

Impact Assessment Agency of Canada memo to the Minister regarding the BBP.

Date: May, 2021

Received: June, 2022

Size: 38 MB

Preliminary design meeting bbp 05 22 thumbnail

Preliminary Design Meeting, Holland River and Holland River East Branch

Received October, 2022.

Size: 145.7 MB

(Due to the large size of this file it is hosted on Google Drive.)

Wsp tolling evaluation for bradford bypass thumbnail

Tolling evaluation for the Bradford Bypass.

Received August, 2022.

Size: 2.3 MB

Bbp tolling eval meeting 04 21 thumbnail

Tolling evaluation meeting for the Bradford Bypass, April, 2021.

Received October, 2021.

Size: 321 KB

Bbp tolling meeting 03 21 thumbnail

Tolling evaluation meeting for the Bradford Bypass, March, 2021.

Received September, 2021.

Size: 5.8 MB

Summary estimated vehicle kms travelled bbp

Bradford Bypass – Summary of the estimated vehicle kilometres travelled.

Received September, 2021.

Size: 133 KB

Bradford bypass tolling evaluation results for additional scenarios

Bradford Bypass Tolling Evaluation – Results for additional scenarios…

Received September, 2021.

Size: 179 KB

Bradford bypass tolling evaluation development of scenarios, including sensitivity analysis

Bradford Bypass Tolling Evaluation – Development of scenarios, including sensitivity analysis.

Received September, 2021.

Size: 232 KB

Bbp utilization, revenue and benefit:disbenefit expansion

Utilization, revenue and benefit/disbenefit expansion for the Bradford Bypass.

Received September, 2021.

Size: 222 KB

Mto emails bbp tolling 10 20

Ministry of Transportation Ontario emails regarding tolling the Bradford Bypass

Received September, 2021.

Size: 77 KB

Emails collision costs bradford bypass

Emails evaluating collision costs associated with the Bradford Bypass, and impact tolling would have.

Received September, 2021.

Size: 163 KB

Emails bradford bypass toll evaluation and attached tables

Emails regarding Bradford Bypass toll evaluation, with attached tables.

Received September, 2021.

Size: 377 KB

Emails bradford bypass toll rate sensitivity scenarios

Emails regarding toll rate sensitivity scenarios for the Bradford Bypass.

Received September, 2021.

Size: 224 KB

Emails travel time estimates bbp

AECOM emails regarding traffic time estimates for the BBP.

Date: March, 2021

Received August, 2021.

Size: 89 KB

Travel time estimate bbp table

Emails regarding Bradford Bypass travel times, with attached tables.

Date: March, 2021

Received: Auguest , 2021.

Size: 377 KB

Travel time comparisons bbp vs local

Travel time comparisons table, BBP vs local roads.

Received: June, 2021.

Size: 104 KB

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