
This is most of the content we’ve created. It covers a pretty wide range of issues, but for the most part focuses on our natural world and how we can build our communities in a way that ensures we continue to have a healthy and high quality of life in Ontario for generations to come.



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Boy Smog Insta
The proposed Bradford Bypass highway is likely to degrade air quality in the Bradford area, impacting resident’s health. Tell decision makers that your health is more important than the Premier’s developer buddies profits.
Photo of a highway with vehicles barely visible through heavy smog. Credit Ivan Bogdanov, Unsplash.
It is increasingly clear that policies that promote increased vehicle traffic should be seen as a last resort, and implemented only where no other options are possible.
Photo of a man wearing a baseball cap, with the cap in focus and nearer the viewer. The cap has the words "Love your neighbour" on it. Photo by Nina Strehl on Unsplash
We all see them—the posers. The ones who say they’re environmentally conscious, but then they do things like use disposable diapers and single use plastics, drive a pickup truck, feed their kids pre-packaged food, travel by plane, or live in a suburb. Just like me.
Photo of a field with a sunset in the distance. There's a tree branch overhead near the photography, and a partial treeline on the left in the distance. The field is bright green grass, and the sky is rich yellow, orange, and blue hues. Credit Benjamin Davies.
In Simcoe County three of our local MPPs – MPP Dunlop, MPP Downey and MPP Mulroney – are directly responsible, as members of cabinet, for approving the Greenbelt takeouts.
Long exposure photo of car lights at night. Credit Markus Spiske.
Freedom of Information requests obtained by the Simcoe County Greenbelt Coalition show that the province is not being upfront regarding the Bradford Bypass.
Portrait of Theodore Roosevelt.
A short essay on conservatism, conservationism, environmentalism and why all of the above are important.
Photo of a field with a sunset in the distance. There's a tree branch overhead near the photography, and a partial treeline on the left in the distance. The field is bright green grass, and the sky is rich yellow, orange, and blue hues. Credit Benjamin Davies.
…congestion will worsen on highways 400 and 404, the province continues to intentionally mislead Ontarians using unverified traffic studies.
A photo of the sun rising over farmland. The sky is clear blue. Credit Federico Respini.
…the changes in Bill 23 do not address the housing affordability crisis, rather they will simply put more money into the pockets of billionaire developers at the expense of Ontarians and the natural resources we depend on.

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Friends. Online censorship by unaccountable tech companies, combined with an all-out assault on the Greenbelt by Ontario’s developers/government, make this a perilous time for the future of democracy and the power of the people in Ontario.

We need to build new ways of empowering those who believe in accountability, in a healthy environment, and in communities ready to thrive in the economy of tomorrow.

Join our supporter network and stay informed about efforts and actions to protect the Greenbelt, to build communities that support the health and well-being of people, and to lay the foundations of a resilient, climate friendly future.

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